Currently many orders so expect a few days delay.
Electronics for model railways, Generic as well as LocoNet based.
Electronics usable around the model railway.
Small specialized utilities as well as a full fledge track control system built around the LocoNet standard.
Browse through everything here or take a closer look at LocoNet decoders, other electronics or cables and other utilities.
Digital control and Electronics
Servo with mounting
Servo complete with mounting
Servodecoder 5
Decoder for switches controlled by servos
LED3, LED driver card
Driver card for 3 standard LED
LED12, driver card for 12 LEDs
Driver card for 12 standard LED
Smartphone interface
Bluetooth interface for connection a smart phone or ...
Current supply, so called LocoNet terminator
Current supplier for LocoNet, so called LocoNet termination
RSCLD, Current delimeter for Rail Sync booster
Kit for a RSCLD device used when Rail Sync needs boosting.
Signal decoder, Swedish signals
Decoder for Swedish signals on the model railway
Starter kit: servo control and computer connection
Starter kit with 5 servos, decoder, bluetooth connection ...
Starter kit Control Panel, Servos and computer interface
Starter kit for control panel and turnout control with ...
Occupancy detector 2
Current sensing detector card for two tracks
Occupancy detector 5
Current sensing detector card for 5 tracks
Electricity distribution card
Distribution card for 12 and 5 volt
Power supply 12V 3A Mean Well
Power supply12 3A
Voltage reducer
Simple voltage reducer, from around 0 - 4 volt.
Signal decoder, Danish signals
Decoder for Danish signals on the model railway
Signal decoder, German signals
Decoder for German signals on the model railway
Occupancy detector 3R - 5
Current sensing detector card for 5 tracks of type 3R
Switch decoder 5, traditional
Switch decoder for switches with traditional motors
Nätaggregat 15V 2.4A Mean Well
Nätaggregat 15 2.4A
Occupancy detector 3R - 8
Current sensing detector card for 8 tracks of type 3R
Mini electricity distribution card
5 volt from LocoNet
Power support for LED series
Extra power support for long series of LEDs in signal and ...
Sound card
Sound card for usage connected to a switch decoder or for ...
Starter kit Control Panel, Switch and computer interface
Starter kit for control panel and turnout control with ...
Starter kit: traditional switch control and computer connection
Starter kit with switch decoder, bluetooth connection and ...
Turntable decoder/controller
Decoder for control of turntables.
LED6, LED driver card
Driver card for 6 standard LED
Occupancy detector 8, "Diode"
Current sensing detector card for 8 tracks
Signal decoder, Czech signals
Decoder for Czech signals on the model railway
Signal decoder, Norwegian signals
Decoder for Norwegian signals on the model railway
Signal decoder, US signals
Decoder for US signals on the model railway
USB decoder firmware update interface
USB interface for updating MGP decoder firmware to new ...
LED-kort, Power driver
Power driver card for the LED serial bus
Servodecoder 2
Decoder for semaphores and switches controlled by servos
Nätaggregat 18V 2A Mean Well
Nätaggregat 18 2A