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Smartphone interface

Bluetooth interface for connection a smart phone or computer to the railway.
Interface Bluetooth-LocoNet
Sales price 275,00 kr
Sales price without tax 220,00 kr

Bluetooth interface that connects the mobile phone to LocoNet.

Used for configuring the decoders from a smart phone app.

Current app supports primarily the MGP decoders.

To support other decoders, the decoder must follow the standard LocoNet SV programming definition and decoder must be described in the app. Contact of questions to which other decoders are supported.

The app is available for Android and can be downloaded from Google Play.
Currently no support for iPhone/iPad.

No external power supply is needed.

The interface can also be used with the open source system JMRI.  JMRI is available on a large set of platforms.
The decoders can also be configured with the help the JMRI program - DecoderPro.
JMRI version 4.1 or newer have the above support.

Here are instructions for the interface and App.