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Servo with mounting

Servo complete with mounting
Servo with mountingServo with mounting
Sales price 62,00 kr
Sales price without tax 49,60 kr
Servo med hävstång till växeln

One servo with mounting to be placed under a turnout.

Simple mounting:
A 3-4 mm hole is drilled under the turnout directly under the switch throwing mechanism. The minting is placed with the little hole for the wire in the centre of the drilled hole, so that the servo/wire will move the switch moving mechanism when the servo moves.
The mounting is screwed in place and the servo is snapped in place.

NOTE, to control, a servo some kind of electronics is needed and for this the servo decoder from MGP. can be used.

The servo is delivered complete with plastic mounting, screws and a 1mm wire to connect to the turnout.

Dimensions are given in the picture below. Note that the height can be adjusted by cutting the servo arm. Shorter arm also results in less angle of movement.