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Occupancy detector 2

Current sensing detector card for two tracks
avk_2_b_800.pngSpårdetektering med 2 anslutningar
Sales price 120,00 kr
Sales price without tax 96,00 kr

Cards that senses the presence of a train on the track by the train's current consumption.

The card is connected to the track by  a track feeding lead going through the hole in one of the transformers on the card. The construction gives minimal voltage drop for track feeding.

The card has sockets for two tracks.

The outputs on the card is connected to the inputs of the decoders Servo5 or Signal10.

The sensitivity can be adjusted by the number of turns that lead is drawn through the transformer, several turns give sensitive indication. If it passes once the indicated current is around 3mA.
The level of the indicated current can also be fine-tuned by settings on the card.

The card must be fed with 5-12DC  (5 volts when used with MGP decoders).
This can be taken from the connected decoder.

Outputs of the decoder are so-called "Open collector" when used with MGPs decoders.
It is also possible to add terminal for outputs 0/5 voltage.

Instruction is here (at the moment only in swedish).


New version ("black") in 2024

Under 2024 släpptes en ny version av kortet. Detta kort är svart.
Skillnaden är att förändring av känsligheten på kortet kan styras nogrannare.

In 2024, a new version of the card was released. This card is black.
The difference is that changing the sensitivity on the card can be controlled more precisely.

At each entrance there is space to customize the card.
This can be done in two ways, either by shorting a bridge or soldering in an extra resistor.

An input in original condition has a sensitivity of approx. 5mA.
With the bridge shorted, the sensitivity is about 10mA.
With a resistor connected, the sensitivity changes based on the value of the resistor. E.g. 4.7kOhm gives approx. 13mA sensitivity, while 1.5kOhm lowers the sensitivity to approx. 30mA.

In the picture below, the bridge is marked in red and the connection for resistance in green.

The picture below shows how the bridge is filled with solder and this changes the sensitivity on the board to approx. 10mA.

The image below shows a connected resistor.
In this case, the value of the resistor is 4.7kOhm, which gives the input a sensitivity of approx. 13mA